
Références bibliographiques

Bresson E. et al., 2018: On the improvement of wave and storm surge hindcasts by downscaled atmospheric forcing: application to historical storms, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 997-1012

Pasquet A. et al., 2014: Implémentation d'un nouveau modèle opérationnel de prévision des vagues et surcotes marines, XIIIèmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil, Dunkerque, 2-4 juillet 2014

Paradis D., P. Ohl & P. Daniel, 2009: Operational Storm Surges Forecasting in an Estuary, Marine Geodesy, 32:2, 166-177

Daniel P., B. Haie and X. Aubail, 2009: Operational Forecasting of Tropical Cyclones Storm Surges at Meteo-France, Marine Geodesy, 32:2, 233-242

Hoffman J, P. Daniel, P Ohl, D. Paradis, 2008: Building an operational storm surge forecast service. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on EuroGOOS, 20-22 May 2008, Exeter, UK.

D. Paradis, P. Ohl & P. Daniel, 2007: Operational storm surges forecasting in an estuary, JCOMM Scientific and Technical Symposium on Storm Surges, Seoul, Korea.

P. Daniel, B. Haie & X. Aubail, 2007: Operational forecasting of tropical cyclones storm surges at Météo-France, JCOMM Scientific and Technical Symposium on Storm Surges, Seoul, Korea.

J.-C. Audru, A. Bitri, J.-F. Desprats, C. Mathon, N. Maurillon, J.-L. Nédellec, O. Jossot, J.-P. Rançon, P. Sabourault, O. Sedan, M. Terrier-Sedan et N. Zornette, avec la collaboration de P. Stollsteiner (Antéa), de S. Guillobez (Cirad), de P. Daniel et de B. Haie (Météo-France), 2004 : Atlas des aléas naturels à Mayotte, Communes de Mamoudzou, Koungou, Dzaoudzi et Pamandzi. Rapport BRGM/RP-53037-FR, 83 p., 65 figures ou photos, 4 tableaux, 28 cartes et 12 annexes.

Daniel P., P. Josse and V. Ulvoas, 2001: Atmospheric forcing impact study in Météo-France storm surge model,  Coastal Engineering V, Computer modelling of seas and coastal regions, WIT Press, pp 135-144.

Mungov, G. and P. Daniel, 2000: Storm surges in the Western Black Sea. Operational forecasting,  Mediterranean Marine Science, Vol 1/1, pp 45-50.

Mungov G. and P. Daniel, 1999: Forecasting of the storm surges in the western Black Sea, Black Sea Goos Report N°1, UNESCO, pp 62-67

Daniel P., 1997 : Forecasting tropical cyclone storm surges at Météo-France, Computer modelling of seas and coastal regions III, Computational Mechanics Publications, pp. 119-128.

McCalla C., W. A. Shaffer, P. Daniel and C. C. Watson, 1996: A comparison of storm surge generated by three independent models for hypothetical hurricanes making lanfall on the island of Kauai, Proceedings of the RA IV hurricane Committee, WMO, 44 pp.

Daniel P., 1996: Modélisation des marées de tempêtes dues aux cyclones, Actes des Ateliers de modélisation de l'atmosphère (Interactions Océan-Atmosphère), METEO-FRANCE, Toulouse. pp 183-188.

Daniel P., 1996. A real-time system for forecasting hurricane storm surges over the French Antilles, Small Islands: Marine Science and Sustainable Development, Coastal and Estuarine Studies, Vol. 51, AGU, pp 146-156.

Daniel P., 1994. Un logiciel de prévision des surcotes pour les DOM/TOM, Metmar N°163. pp 11-16.

Last updated: April 12, 2018